Prof. Dr. Eric Van Hooydonk

Professor of port law, University of Ghent – Maritime Institute

Advocate, Eric Van Hooydonk Advocates

Emiel Banningstraat 21-25

2000 Antwerp


T +32 3 238 67 14

Books on port law

  • The EU Seaports Regulation. A commentary on Regulation (EU) 2017/352 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 February 2017 establishing a framework for the provision of port services and common rules on the financial transparency of ports, Antwerp, Portius Publishing, 2019, 1307 pages
  • Places of Refuge. International Law and the CMI Draft Convention, London, Lloyd’s List, 2010, lvii + 465 pages
  • The law ends where the port area begins, Antwerp/Apeldoorn, Maklu, 2010, 64 pages
  • The Impact of EU Environmental Law on Ports and Waterways, Antwerp/Apeldoorn, Maklu, 2006, 317 pages
  • (as Editor) European Seaports Law. EU Law of Ports and Port Services and the Ports Package, Antwerp/Apeldoorn, Maklu, 2003, 537 pages
  • Beginselen van havenbestuursrecht. Onderzoek naar de grondslagen en de draagwijdte van de havenbestuurlijke autonomie (‘Principles of Port Management Law. Analysis of the Foundations and Scope of Port Management Autonomy’), Bruges, Die Keure, 1995, 546 pages

Studies on port law

  • Port Labour in the EU. Labour Market, Qualifications & Training. Health & Safety, 2 vols., Ghent, Portius, 2014, 317 + 1131 pages
  • Port Labour in the EU. Labour Market, Qualifications & Training. Health & Safety, 2 vols., Ghent, Portius, 2013, 328 + 1101 pages

Key papers on port law

  • ‘The legal framework for Seaport PPPs in the EU’, in Hakim, S. (Ed.), Handbook on Public-Private Partnerships, Springer-Science, 2020, 34 pages (forthcoming)
  • ‘The EU Seaports Regulation, the law of public procurement and concessions, and port terminal contracts’, in Flamey, P. and De Koninck, C. (Eds.), Chronique des Marchés Publics 2018 – 2019 / Jaarboek Overheidsopdrachten 2018-2019 (‘Public Procurement Yearbook 2018-2019’), Brussels, EBP Publishing, 2020, 27 pages (forthcoming)
  • ‘Die EU-Seehafenverordnung’ (‘The EU Seaports Regulation’), [2020] Transportrecht, pp. 4-21
  • ‘The environmental provisions of the EU Seaports Regulation’, [2019] Zeitschrift für europäisches Umwelt- und Planungsrecht pp. 437-451
  • ‘De EU-Zeehavenverordening. Een beknopte inleiding’ (‘The EU Seaports Regulation. A brief introduction’), Tijdschrift Vervoer & Recht 2019, Iss. 6, pp. 174-182
  • ‘The fiscal regime of port authorities under EU State aid law’, [2019] European Transport Law pp. 525-526
  • ‘The EU Seaports Regulation’, [2019] 4 The Journal of International Maritime Law, pp. 273-296
  • ‘Le Règlement (UE) sur les ports maritimes – une brève introduction’ (‘The EU Seaports Regulation. A Brief Introduction’), [2019] Droit maritime français, pp. 834-841 and 928-938
  • ‘Some considerations on the position of mooring services under the EU Seaports Regulation’ and ‘Alcune considerazioni sulla posizione del servizio di ormeggio nell’ambito del Regolamento Europeo sui Servizi Portuali’, [2019] 4 Porti & Servizi Tecnico Nautici (‘Ports and Technical-Nautical Services’, i.e. the review published by the association of Italian mooring men), pp. 38-49
  • ‘Botport law. The regulatory agenda for the transition to smart ports’, in Soyer, B. and Tettenborn, A. (Eds.), New technologies, artificial intelligence and shipping in the 21st century, Abingdon, Informa from Routledge, 2020, pp. 90-104
  • ‘The Spanish Dock Labour Ruling (C-576/13). Mortal Blow for the Dockers’ Pools’, [2015] 4-5 European Transport Law, pp. 551-581 and [2016] 7-8 Transportrecht (Germany), pp. 275-289
  • ‘Het Spaanse Havenarbeidersarrest (C-576/13): doodsteek voor de klassieke havenpools’, (‘The Spanish Dock Labour Ruling (C-576/13). Mortal Blow for the Dockers’ Pools’) [2015] Tijdschrift Vervoer en Recht, 35-49
  • ‘The European Port Services Directive: the good or the last try ?’, [2005] 11 The Journal of International Maritime Law, 188-220, also published in Ringbom, H. (Ed.), The Emerging European Maritime Law. Proceedings from the Third European Colloquium on Maritime Law Research, Ravenna, 17-18 September 2004 (MarIus No. 330), Oslo, University of Oslo, 2005, pp. 47-118 as well as in [2006] Il diritto marittimo (Italy), pp. 65-111
  • ‘Développements récents en matière de lieux de refuge pour navires en détresse (2004-2006)’ (‘Recent developments with regard to places of refuge for ships in need of assistance (2004-2006)’), [2006] Droit Maritime Français, pp. 662-682
  • ‘Prospects after the rejection of the European Port Services Directive’, [2004] Il diritto marittimo (Italy), pp. 851-873
  • ‘The regime of port authorities under European law including an analysis of the Port Services Directive’, in Van Hooydonk, E. (Ed.), European Seaports Law. EU Law of Ports and Port Services and the Ports Package, Antwerp/Apeldoorn, Maklu, 2003, pp. 79-185; also in Liber amicorum R. Roland, Brussels, Larcier, 2003, pp. 467-570
  • ‘De publiekrechtelijke context van de scheepsagentuur’ (‘The Public Law Context of Shipping Agency’), in Van Hooydonk, E. (Ed.), Expediteurs en scheepsagenten. Het gewijzigde juridische landschap, Antwerp/Apeldoorn, Maklu, 2003, pp. 145-166
  • ‘Juridische vestigingsfactoren voor goederenbehandelaars in zeehavens en het statuut van ‘dedicated terminals’ (‘Legal Establishment Factors for Cargo Handlers in Seaports and the Regime of ‘Dedicated Terminals’), in Van Hooydonk, E. (Ed.), Stouwers, naties en terminal operators: het gewijzigde juridische landschap, Antwerp/Apeldoorn, Maklu, 2003, pp. 11-66
  • ‘Zee- en binnenhavenbesturen in België in historisch en rechtsvergelijkend perspectief’ (‘Sea and Inland Port Authorities in Belgium from a Historical and Comparative Perspective’), in De parastatalen in België tijdens de 20ste eeuw. Wetgeving. Recente evoluties, Proceedings of a colloquium in the State Archives of Belgium, Brussels, 17 May 2001, Brussels, 2003, pp. 243-262
  • ‘Some Remarks on Financial Securities Imposed by Public Authorities on Casualty Ships as a Condition for Entry into Ports’, in Huybrechts, M. (Ed.), Van Hooydonk, E. and Dieryck, C. (Co-eds.), Marine insurance at the turn of the Millennium, II, Antwerp/Groningen/Oxford, Intersentia, 2000, pp. 117-136
  • ‘Het onderscheid tussen havendiensten in het mededingingsrecht’ (‘The Distinction between Port Services under Competition Law’), note on Court of Appeal of Antwerp, 7 June 1999, [2000-2001] Algemeen Juridisch Tijdschrift, pp. 7-10
  • ‘De taakverdeling tussen de kapitein en de loods’ (‘The Division of Roles Between Master and Pilot’), in Van Hooydonk, E. (Ed.), Liber amicorum Hubert Libert, Antwerp/Apeldoorn, Maklu, 1999, pp. 457-506
  • ‘De haven van Antwerpen is een autonoom bedrijf’ (‘The Port of Antwerp is an Autonomous Undertaking’), [1997] Tijdschrift Vervoer & Recht, 4
  • ‘De vrijheid van handel en nijverheid in de havens’ (‘The Freedom of Commerce and Industry in Ports’), [1995-1996] Algemeen Juridisch Tijdschrift, pp. 86-89
  • ‘De geldigheid van in havenreglementen opgenomen bevrijdingsbedingen’ (‘The Validity of Liability Exemption Clauses in Port Regulations’), [1990-1991] Rechtskundig Weekblad, columns 387-1398